Partner Spotlight: Amethyst Place

At Amethyst Place, we provide long-term supportive housing for women and children in recovery from poverty, substance use, and trauma. We recognize that these experiences are not personal failures but rather the result of systemic barriers and societal injustices. Sadly, most of the families we serve have experienced criminalization and justice system involvement when they needed community health services to address these challenges at their roots.

That's why we have partnered with Empower Missouri, an organization that shares our commitment to social justice and equity for all. Through our collaboration, we advocate for policies that address the causes of these challenges and promote healing, growth, and well-being for our communities.

One of the initiatives we support is the Clean Slate Initiative, which seeks to help those who have paid their debt to society expunge their criminal records and overcome the barriers that come with a criminal record, such as difficulty securing housing and employment. Without implementing the Clean Slate Initiative, our society is complicit in perpetuating the vicious cycles of poverty, substance use, and trauma.

The Clean Slate Initiative is more than just a policy proposal; it is a testament to the fundamental belief that every person has inherent worth and dignity, regardless of their past. By giving individuals a second chance and helping them clear their criminal records, the Clean Slate Initiative not only restores their legal rights but also affirms their humanity and restores their sense of dignity. It sends a powerful message that our society values redemption and that everyone deserves the opportunity to rebuild their lives and contribute to our communities.

We are grateful to have a partner like Empower Missouri who shares our vision for a more just and equitable society. Together, we will continue this vital work and deepen our collective impact for the betterment of Missouri.

With great hope,

The staff and families of Amethyst Place


Partner Spotlight: R Street Institute


Partner Spotlight: Women’s Voices Raised for Social Justice